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Story with COVID-19 : Guilt or Pride

Imagine we are in 2021

    Those who are reading this blog  are  very very lucky as u all have  survived 2020 .So after a  recovery from corona impact , world is slowly coming back on  track. Now we all are again in a race of making money at a same time harming nature, increasing pollution, cutting trees, killing animals for our profit .  Basically we all are back to our routine life to fulfill our needs and desires .

    Let me rewind u all  to one year back.  so 2020 was hard wasn’t it ?? It started with possibility of world war 3 then Australia wildfire, loss of Kobe Bryant , Indian women and under 19 boys lost the  final but meanwhile a bigger threat was coming towards  mankind in the form of COVID-19.

    1st case of Covid19  virus was seen around 30-31st December 2019 in Wuhan China . At that time whole world was unaware and busy in  celebrating a New year and praying  that 2020 should be the best yr for themselves but nobody knew that what 2020 was carrying with it .As it was  a new virus in  the community so all the  health workers  were unaware about the epidemiology of it . In a matter of time it converted in the corona epidemic in Wuhan in January itself  and it  travelled across the borders by unknown  carriers . So that  it spread very rapidly and effectively to the other 28 countries like USA , France , Italy and other european countries up to mid fab.  At that time India was busy in CAA protest , ’ NAMASTE TRUMP’ , Holi celebration and all . when  the  other countries noticed that virus the 1st reaction was like “okay a new virus in community we will deal with it.. “  But the reality was that despite of having best health systems  this countries couldn’t control it due to irresponsible behaviour of  citizens . So they had to pay a major cost of  it in form of their lives  as  nobody had the definitive treatment or any antidote for it. Due to lack of seriousness and late preventive measures it spread to 182 countries of the world and WHO declared it as a global Pandemic in March beginning itself . In countries like China and Italy it entered  stage 3 and killed thousands of people and their health system and government was helpless .

    India applied  all possible prevention against it but virus was already there in  the  community at stage 2 level  . As India  had less healthcare workers  and  resources compared to its  population so there was a high probability that   if virus would enter in stage 3 it could create a much more dangerous situation than Italy .So  as all the expert advised that only effective way to prevent transmission in community was Isolation isolation & isolation… So as a preventive measure almost whole India was under lock down  and people were informed to follow self quarantine for betterment of their health and their families . It was Sure that damage would be there but amount of it could be controlled by people . If everyone would be responsible and strictly isolate themselves it could produce less severe impact and eventually transmission of virus could be stopped in  the community.

    From here let me divide this story in two possibilities . one is the Optimistic story and another is the Pessimistic story .

Let me start from pessimistic one -

    So as typical Indians we didn’t take it seriously and continued to live our Life as we used to do. We continued to meet and hangout with each other. Due to  lack of precautions, corona turned out to be the most dangerous enemy of mankind and we lost our so many loved ones . Many doctors and nurses lost their lives only because of irresponsible citizens . India  as a country is now 30-40 yrs behind from where we used to be . Everyday we are awake and walk with a guilt that we could have saved those millions of lives simply by staying at  home. As a generation we have failed  and are guilty of upcoming generations .

Now the optimistic one -

    We handled that critical time with immense discipline  and strictly followed self quarantine by staying at our  homes and kept everything aside. We believed in our government and health system and strictly followed their instructions. We didn’t  know what would occur in future but we had some kind of belief on our dedicated  health workers. Couple of weeks passed we were missing our routine work which we used to hate previously. We spent that time with the family. we learned some new hobbies and explored ourselves which improved us as a individuals . During that time we realized importance of freedom  for every single creature on this planet.  Eventually we came out of that crisis with minimum possible loss . So today we are living in the  better world than it used to be . We all are so proud of ourselves that as a generation we have  created an example for our  upcoming generations  and they will look at us as heroes and saviours of mankind as how we stood together and fought against that  crisis by staying at home.

    Now it’s your  choice which story u want to write for yourself .

What do want from  the  rest of your life :- GUILT Or  PRIDE ?

Credit: Yash Joshi


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