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Sugar is The New Oil


    Do you know we all believe that it is the fat in the diet which makes us chubby.

    In response to it we had tried cutting short of the oils in our diet right ?

    Now introspect how many of you had been successfull in attaining your goals by reducing the amount of fats in the diet .

    Here comes the concept of sugar being the new oil ...

    Majority of us are on diet which contains large amount of carbohydrates that breaks down to glucose and get absorbed into the intestines.

    In response to the increased glucose in the blood the pancreas releases insulin which makes sure that the glucose which was absorbed gets utilised by the muscles, liver and other body organs .

    Now you would have thought that what’s wrong in that?

    The diet not only contains the carbohydrates it also contains fats and protein in it which are also absorbed in the intestines along with the glucose .Till the body has glucose to utilise it will not use the absorbed fats and will eventually get deposited to makes you chubby .

    So just by reducing the amount of fats in the diet you will just reduce the rate at which the fat was being deposited in the body until you reduce the amount of carbs in diet.

    Let us see above two lines in detail

    If you go on a low carb diet your body will not have sufficient glucose to satisfy your needs so it will start oxidising the absorbed fat to produce ketone bodies in the liver and thus will not allow new deposits of fat in body .

    If you go on a long period with low carb diet eventually the stored body fat will be oxidised and you will start loosing your chubbies
The above concept of low carb diet is what you called keto diet that you might have heard .

    So it is not the oil which we thought is culprit it is the carbohydrates which are doing the job which we thought the oils were doing .

Now let us see what are content of keto diet
    • 60 to 75 percent of your calories from fat
    • 15 to 30 percent of your calories from protein
    • 5 to 10 percent of your calories from carbs

Advantage of keto diet are

    • Low-Carb Diets Reduce Your Appetite. ...
    • Low-Carb Diets Lead to More Weight Loss at First. ...
    • A Greater Proportion of Fat Loss Comes From Your Abdominal Cavity. ...
    • Triglycerides Tend to Drop Drastically. ...
    • Increased Levels of 'Good' HDL Cholesterol. ...
    • Reduced Blood Sugar and Insulin Levels. ...
    • May Lower Blood Pressure.
The things to eat while following keto


    • Grass-fed dairy products like butter or ghee
    • Coconut oil and mct oil
    • olive oil
    • Avocados
    • Egg yolks
    • Almonds and almond butter
    • Seeds such as chia , flax seeds
    • Nuts such as pecans,macadamia nuts and Brazil nuts
    • Alternative flours made with healthy fats, including almonds floor and coconut
    • Fatty fish including mackerel, tuna, sardines, and salmon

Fats to Avoid

    Avoid unhealthy fats such as seed oils and vegetables oils which can become rancid when heated. Unhealthy fats and oils to avoid on keto include canola oils , corn seed and grapeseed oil. You should also avoid reduced-fat or grain-fed dairy products as they can have added carbs and sugar.


    • Grass-fed beef: Choose fattier cuts like steak, veal, roast, ground beef, and stew meat
    • Poultry: Chicken breasts, quail, duck and turkey; focus on the darker, fattier sections
    • Pork: Pork loin, tenderloin, pork chops, ham, bacon, and ground
    • Fish: Halibut, cod, catfish, and mahi-mahi
    • Shellfish: Oysters, clams, crab, mussels, shrimp, and lobster
    • Organ meats: Heart, liver, tongue, kidney, and offal
    • Eggs: Scrambled, omelets, over-easy, take your pick — just use the whole egg
    • Lamb and goat

Proteins to Avoid

    Stay away from processed meat (salami, hot dogs, and charcuterie) that contain suspect ingredients, sauces, or added sugars. These can unknowingly increase your carb and sugar intake and derail your efforts. Always purchase the highest-quality meat you can reasonably afford.
Consume low-glycemic, low-carb, non-starchy vegetables including:
    • Leafy greens: Kale, spinach, Swiss chard, arugula, bok choy, broccoli, and romaine lettuce
    • Other low-carb vegetables: Brussels sprouts, bell peppers, asparagus, celery, cucumber, radish, zucchini, cauliflower, and mushrooms

Vegetables to Avoid

    Avoid high-carb and starchy vegetables, also known as tubers. These are typically root vegetables grown underground, such as carrots, white potatoes, sweet potatoes, and parsnips.


    Limit the amount of fruits you eat as they have sugar. Fruits can be consumed either fresh or frozen. When you do eat fruit, choose lower-sugar options including:
    • Avocados: This is the one fruit that can be consumed in abundance
    • Berries: Raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, and cranberries

Fruits to Avoid

    Most fruits, unless listed above, should be completely eliminated due to the high quantities of sugar and carbohydrates. Apples, pineapple, watermelon, mango, oranges, and most other fruits should be avoided. Dried fruits and fruit juice are also not permitted on keto.

Dairy products

    • Greek yogurt
    • Heavy whipping cream
    • Spreadables including cottage cheese, cream cheese, sour cream, mascarpone, creme fraiche, etc.
    • Soft Cheese including mozzarella, brie, blue, colby, monterey jack, etc.
    • Hard Cheese including aged cheddar, parmesan, feta, swiss, etc.
    • Mayonnaise and mayo alternatives that include dairy.


    • Water. This will be your staple, go-to source for hydration. You can drink still or sparkling water.
    • Broth. Loaded with vitamins and nutrients. More importantly, it will kickstart your energy by replenishing your electrolytes.
    • Coffee. Improves mental focus and has some added weight loss benefits.
    • Tea. Has the same effects as coffee, but many don’t enjoy tea. Try to stick with black or green.
    • Coconut/Almond milk. You can use the unsweetened versions in the carton from the store to replace your favorite dairy beverage.
    • Diet soda. Try to severely reduce or completely stop drinking this. It can lead to sugar cravings and sometimes insulin spikes in the long run.
    • Flavoring. The small packets that are flavored with sucralose or stevia are fine. You can alternatively add a squeeze of lemon, lime, or orange to your water bottle.

Side effects of keto diet

    Side effects vary, however, there is one you should watch out for: keto flu. This effect stems from the elimination of carbohydrates and sugar, which causes withdrawal symptoms. These can include headache, fogginess, lack of energy and nausea.

Hope this was use full.

Credit: Jaivik Patel


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