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Education is an Key Inventory of Life

    There are different Definitions for Education in Society and Social Science. According to Marxist, Purpose of Formal Education is “the transmission of certain attitudes, knowledge and skills to the members of a society through formal systematic training”. Education is immensely important in the 21st Century, but it’s not necessary for someone to become successful and earn more money. However, Education plays vital roles in getting white collar job with good wages in co-operate worlds. Money can bring fame but Education is required to maintain fame gained over the time. Which leads to Moral learnings we learned in elementary to high school. Most basic learnings we gained from our elementary schooling is how to respect the elders and behave with them. As we grew up we practiced those moral values in our day-to-day life while attending meetings, helping the needy community during the crisis like COVID-19 pandemic. One should take inspiration from Ratan Tata chairperson of Tata Group who donated INR 500 Crores( USD $66.16M) to support COVID-19 situation in India.

    As Mentioned in the Introductory Paragraph, what is the importance of gaining education?. Which leads to questions like, Is every individual gaining the same quality of education in their elementary schools irrespective of family background, color or religion in every nation?. According to Sean F. Reardon, , Demetra Kalogrides and Kenneth Shores of Stanford University “Economic, demographic, segregation, and schooling characteristics explain 43%–72% of the geographic variation in these gaps”(The Geography of Racial/Ethnic Test Score Gaps, 2019). Below Attached Graphics shows deviations in grade based on Economical state of the family. Each bubble shows one school district. Larger circles represent districts with more students. Follow NYTimes article Money,Race and Success: How your school district compares? (URL:

    Following this article in Depth, Authors nicely visualized how the largest gaps between white children and their minority classmates emerge in some of the wealthiest communities, such as Berkeley, Calif.; Chapel Hill, N.C.; and Evanston, Ill. Which infers More developed families and educated families encourage their childrens to enroll in schools,University or Diploma courses. In Comparison with illiterate families who encourage their childrens to focus on child labour to support there family economy. According to International Labour Organization (ILO) As of 2019 there are 152 million children worldwide are victims of child labor; 88 million are boys and 64 million are girls. Relationship between Child Labor, Poverty and illiteracy is “Child labor creates poverty. If the children are deprived from education, then they are bound to remain poor for the whole of their life. So it's a triangular relationship between child labor, poverty and illiteracy” said by Kailash Satyarthi. 

    Is Technology a new solution to illiteracy, Poverty and some related social issues of the 21st Century?. Answer to this Question is no because technology is just a tool or medium through which one can reduce the manforce for example Modern GPS Maps allow us to easily navigate to remote locations like national parks and many more nearby services. However, for operating the Modern technology labor or individual need to have basic education.

    Wrapping up how education plays a role in Improving the future upcoming problems. Technology was never a replacement or solution to the Education Problem. There are different factors affecting one's learning in one’s life like economy, surrounding culture and motivations. 

“The Child without education is like a bird without wings”

-Tibetan Proverb

Margi Patel
Charvik Patel


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