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Emotional and Psychological Trauma

What is Emotional and psychological trauma ?

Emotional and psychological trauma is any stressful event that occurs in a lifetime that makes you struggle with your emotions, memory,different activities and make you feel helpless and hopeless in this ruthless world.

The event may not be objectively scaled it is a subjective sensation about a event and every individual respond differently to the event .

For example a death in a family due to accident due to an pothole makes one dad react positively and he goes on to correct every pothole of the city and some other may react it negatively

Emotional and psychological trauma can be caused by:

  • In Indian scenarios emotional and psychological trauma can be caused by accident,disasters, sexual assault that may have occurred at any course of life
  • Ongoing family issues, neighbourhood problems , continues rejection from various interviews , household violence , neglect, low performance at school or institution, continues target of bullying etc

Childhood trauma and risk for future trauma

Childwood is a basis for the future personality and behaviour of an adult. Any hostile environment in the childwood may make them vulnerable for adverse reactions of trauma . In Indian scenario it may be
  • Separation of a parents
  • female child neglect
  • sexual or verbal abuse
  • domestic violence
  • not giving proper care while growing up
  • extreme poverty due to which child has to work in hostile places and lack of proper food

If a person is bothered from any of such an event that occurred long ago it can be cured and you just need to connect to your psychiatrist.

Symptoms of psychological trauma

Everyone has a different reactions to a trauma and there is nothing like right or wrong response to a trauma and don’t judge yourself or others based on their response.

Emotional & psychological symptoms:
  • Sadness
  • Anger
  • Denial
  • Fear
  • Shame
Physical symptoms:
  • headache
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Altered sleep and appetite
Psychological disorder Associated with trauma are:
  • ptsd
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Substance use disorder
  • Dissociative disorder

Healing from trauma

Your emotional response to a trauma is a absolutely normal thing it may last for few days and gradually gets fade away and it may recur for some time by triggers that may remind you of the event

But in case the symptoms last for longer time and are getting worse you might be suffering from a mental health problem called “post traumatic stress disorder” and in this situation you need to consult your psychiatrist .

Based on my reading I may suggest you some steps that can help speedy recovery from your trauma

1. Engage yourself for at least 30 minutes a day exercise or
2. Engage yourself in a sports of your choice like cricket or football or badminton because burning adrenaline and releasing endorphins will help     you regain equilibrium
3. Have some mindfulness activity like Pranayama
4. DON'T ISOLATE YOURSELF ( it is natural tendency to get oneself isolated  after a trauma but it will makes things worse)
5. Connect with people that doesn’t means to talk about your trauma only
6. Have some trusted friend or a family member to share the event who can understand your feelings
7. Connect with your old friends (this would help you immensely)
8. Volunteer yourself in social activities
9.  If some food,place or music makes you feel better then have it
10. Have enough sleep
11. Have balanced diet
12. Don’t indulge in alcohol or drugs for temporary relief
13. Seek help for trauma if you’re: not getting rid from following for long time.

• Having trouble functioning at home or work
• Suffering from severe fear, anxiety, or depression
• Unable to form close, satisfying relationships
• Experiencing terrifying memories, nightmares, or flashbacks
• Avoiding more and more anything that reminds you of the trauma
• Emotionally numb and disconnected from others
• Using alcohol or drugs to feel better .

14. Role of loved ones in getting him cope up
  • Be patient and understanding.
  • Offer practical support to help your loved one get back into a normal routine.
  • Don’t pressure your loved one into talking but be available if they want to talk.
  • Help your loved one to socialize and relax.

    And have trust in your psychiatrist they have worked for their entire life to help you in such conditions so approach them when you need it.

    Don’t stigmatise mental health it is as normal to approach psychiatrist as you approach your physician for a fever.   

Hope this was helpful.

Jaivik Patel


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