Imagine we are in 2021 Those who are reading this blog are very very lucky as u all have survived 2020 .So after a recovery from corona impact , world is slowly coming back on track. Now we all are again in a race of making money at a same time harming nature, increasing pollution, cutting trees, killing animals for our profit . Basically we all are back to our routine life to fulfill our needs and desires . Let me rewind u all to one year back. so 2020 was hard wasn’t it ?? It started with possibility of world war 3 then Australia wildfire, loss of Kobe Bryant , Indian women and under 19 boys lost the final but meanwhile a bigger threat was coming towards mankind in the form of COVID-19. 1st case of Covid19 virus was seen around 30-31st December 2019 in Wuhan China . At that time whole world was unaware and busy in celebrating a New year and praying ...