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Showing posts with the label Cyber Crime

Capstone Work: Experience setting up LAMP Infrastucture

    The “L” of the LAMP stack is achieved by instantiating an Ubuntu server on the Azure platform. By and large this process is straight-forward and follows the Azure provided instructions. As this is documented in Microsoft documentation, this will not be reproduced here.     In our tests, we chose an Ubuntu 18.04 image and deployed it on a Standard B1ms (1 vcpus, 2 GiB memory) virtual machine. We chose the B1ms VM because the B-series VMs seem to provide “burstable performance” (Shimanskiy & Hughes, 2020). Here is an excerpt of the Microsoft Document on the B-series VMs:     Part of the challenge of using the Azure platform is that we had to be very deliberate in the chosen specifications relating to VMs as these decisions will have financial impacts. Azure offers various sizes of General Purpose, Compute-Optimized, Storage-Optimized, Memory-Optimized, GPU, and High Performance Compute VMs. As our web server did not require any ...

Brief Overview: Malware History and Taxonomy

    The term malware is a contraction for malicious software. A simple definition is any piece of software that was written with the intent to damage computer assets, steal data, or frankly conduct any form of malicious activity within an environment. Malware is considered a general term for a variety of different types of malicious software, as modern day malware may include many characteristics that place it into multiple classes. The lines between individual types of malicious software continue to blur and erroneous classification happens all the time within the industry.      We can divide malware into some specific classifications to make it easier to analyze and subsequently contain the spread once the malware strain has been identified, and containment processes are in place based on the malware characteristics. Virus     This is the most commonly used term to define malicious software outside of the term malware. A virus refers to a s...

Office of the Personnel Management (OPM) Data Breach: A Case Study

WHAT HAPPENED IN THE OPM DATA BREACH      As the relationship between humanity and technology develops, an emergent area of concern lies in the security of the information ferried over and handled by this technology. A myriad of information security and data breaches reported upon by news media in the recent past has had the simultaneously fortunate and unfortunate effect of bringing information and network security into the public consciousness. One such incident was the United States (US) Office of the Personnel Management (OPM) data breach.      While there are many aspects of the OPM data breach that are notable, chief among them is that the perpetrator of this data breach has been widely attributed to China. As China increases its economic clout and develops its technological capabilities, its international presence is becoming more and more pronounced—and not always in the best light. Sanger (2018) has noted that by 2009, Google executives...

Are You Prepared Against Cyber Threats?

What is the worth of information Security in 21 st century? Imagine small or medium scale business having around 2500-4000 employees working. What if there is a data bridge of small or medium scale compony? Information carries by Venture are employees’ names, Address, Banking Forms, Tax forms which also includes Social incurrence Number and their dependents names and supporting information which may be sell or used for personal blackmails by intruders which was kind of storyline of Scotty’s Holdings data bridge [1] . Main base of this data bridge was email phishing which were send to all over compony employee pretending to be CEO. Which contains Employer identification number (EIN), Employer’s name, address, and ZIP code, Wages, tips, other compensation and many more fields. But it’s not the first or last compony to be a part of Email phishing Attack. Main purpose of Email Phishing scams is stealing banking credentials or any other form of credentials. Preventions Employer and Emp...