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Showing posts with the label Diet

Sugar is The New Oil

    Do you know we all believe that it is the fat in the diet which makes us chubby.      In response to it we had tried cutting short of the oils in our diet right ?      Now introspect how many of you had been successfull in attaining your goals by reducing the amount of fats in the diet .      Here comes the concept of sugar being the new oil ...      Majority of us are on diet which contains large amount of carbohydrates that breaks down to glucose and get absorbed into the intestines.      In response to the increased glucose in the blood the pancreas releases insulin which makes sure that the glucose which was absorbed gets utilised by the muscles, liver and other body organs .      Now you would have thought that what’s wrong in that?      The diet not only contains the carbohydrates it also contains fats and protein in it which are also absorbed in the intestines along with the glucose .Till the body has glucose to utilise it will not use the absorbed fats and will eventually g